Creating dystopia

    January 27, 2017: Trump orders an enormous military buildup.
    January 28, 2017: Trump signs the Muslim ban [that thing that quacks like a duck].
    January 29, 2017: Trump declares the Muslim ban a big success. Which turns the story into “Trump is crazy” or “Trump is a stupid liar.”

The thing that gets lost in the shuffle is that very ominous call for the enormous military buildup.

Steve Bannon, Nazi puppetmaster, is a genius. Because of the order of the actions, the thing that gets discussed is Trump’s mental state. If the dominoes had been pushed in any other order, the discussion would be very, very different. And now protests are news, Iraq’s response to the Muslim ban is news, unrest caused by Trump is the news — and of course, all that unrest now can be used to justify a military response, domestically or overseas.

Winter is coming.

Keep fighting. Keep protesting. This is, quite literally, life or death.