Nero. Fiddling.

While the incompetent Republican president is tweeting about the Oscars and the grade he’d give himself on his lackluster performance so far, the US is conspicuously absent on the world stage. Very grave events are unfolding. Keep your eye on North Korea. (The president isn’t; in fact, he’s cutting the state department budget by 37%.)

Per James P. Rubin, at Politico:
“Consider: A week after Kim’s assassination, China responded by announcing a halt of coal imports from North Korea, one of the only commodities whose sale brings hard currency to the regime in Pyongyang. Which means North Korea’s need for hard currency has just been dramatically increased, and at the same time every terrorist group in the world paying attention to world events now knows Pyongyang has available supplies of a deadly chemical weapon whose effectiveness has been proved beyond doubt. Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda have been working assiduously for years to obtain WMD. Connecting the dots suggests a significantly greater risk that a terrorist group will get hold of a usable chemical weapon sometime soon. …

“It has been 10 days since China’s announcement and more than two weeks since the assassination in Malaysia. Yet, there are no indications that the Trump and his team understand the seriousness of the situation.”

By the time this dumpster fire of an administration finds its ass with both hands, China and Russia may be already divvying up what’s left of the rubble. It’s hard to believe that Trump’s made the US an irrelevant banana republic in about a month.

Did you know that the tourism industry, which is a huge chunk of our change, is facing multi-billion-dollar losses? “The Trump Slump,” they’re calling it. And it promises a loss of tens of thousands of travel jobs.

But hey, at least he signed some pieces of paper, right?

Fucking Nero. Fiddling.