You went the wrong way, old King Louis

45 thinks of himself as a businessman, right? He’s trying to run the government as he imagines the CEO of a company would, right? So what do employees do when they get a new CEO who’s crazy and/or massively disastrous? It turns out that the number one reason that CEOs get ousted is because of misuse of perks.

Perks! That’s the thing that might actually change some voters’ minds. I’m thinking we need to hammer that idea home — that image of 45 with his billionaires in his gold-plated Versailles, while teachers can’t afford pencils and Medicare is destroyed.

Somebody else apparently is also thinking along these lines.

Per Aaron Rupar at ThinkProgress:
“Trump’s first month travel expenses cost taxpayers just less than what Obama spent in a year.”

Rupar breaks it down nicely, with all the numbers. Put that into the ‘talking points’ file!